Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010
Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010
mungkin kalian sama kayak gue, sering ngerasa nyerah sama tugas sama pelajaran sama kuliah sama kerjaan dll. muak banget sama semua hal, dan kesel kenapa gak ada abis2nya. gue yakin manusia gak ada yang jiwa dan raganya sekuat baja. nangis di saat fed up dan kesel, adalah cara yang paling pas. selain lebih lega, somehow abis nangis, ntah kenapa diri kita jadi lebih kuat dan semangat.
tapi gue gak akan nyuruh lu semua nangis terus untuk semua kemuakan yang lu hadepin. tenang aja, hal kyk gitu sifatnya temporary kok, keep going and dont ever give up! and remember these quotes :
Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there's love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong.
-- Ella Fitzgerald
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
-- Confucius
I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
-- Christopher Reeve
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.
-- Author Unknown
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
-- Thomas Edison
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
-- Dale Carnegie
Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
-- Author Unknown
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
-- Author Unknown
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.
-- Lee Iacocca
-- Ella Fitzgerald
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
-- Confucius
I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles.
-- Christopher Reeve
Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can.
-- Author Unknown
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.
-- Thomas Edison
Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.
-- Dale Carnegie
Never give up on something that you can't go a day without thinking about.
-- Author Unknown
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams
Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.
-- John Quincy Adams
When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place.
-- Author Unknown
You've got to say, I think that if I keep working at this and want it badly enough I can have it. It's called perseverance.
-- Lee Iacocca
Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010
what made your day?
for me, besides a warm yet loveable conversation with loved ones, good music totally completely made my day. i love exploring any random songs that appear in the suggestion list on youtube everytime i check on some new songs. and somehow, those random songs would be my forever-and ever-favorite-songs and last lifetime in my itunes. they boost my mood instantly. and oh, these are some of them which i just talked about. enjoy :D
Kamis, 14 Oktober 2010
Rabu, 13 Oktober 2010
i fancy this all the time
I am surrounded by couples who own successful marriages. my parents are one of them. my grandparents are having their 50th wedding anniversary on January 2011. however, the good thing that fancy me all the time is that there isnt any divorce thing in my religion, which is Catholic Roma. as bible said 'What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.' (Matthew 9 : 6) isnt it pretty?
and ive learned from my parents that 'a successful marriage requires falling in love so many times, but with the same person.' God doesnt promise you a rainbow all the time, but a companion who will be there for what you are every single day.
here is the prettiest wedding vow ever,
Dear my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you when life seems easy and when it seems hard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life till death do us apart.
(toloooooooong, gue kebanyakan buka axioo dan kawan2nya. jadi kreji kawinan gini..hahaha brb garuk tanah)
and ive learned from my parents that 'a successful marriage requires falling in love so many times, but with the same person.' God doesnt promise you a rainbow all the time, but a companion who will be there for what you are every single day.
here is the prettiest wedding vow ever,
Dear my constant friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence of God, our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you when life seems easy and when it seems hard. These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life till death do us apart.
(toloooooooong, gue kebanyakan buka axioo dan kawan2nya. jadi kreji kawinan gini..hahaha brb garuk tanah)
this is a promise.
number one, ill be a successful animator/creative director alive. working in the famous international production house (or establish my own, probably) me and my partners will create hundreds of well-known cartoon animation movies/advs.
number two, ill be waking up everyday with a right man sleeping next to me who marry me with his unconditional love. we'll have great daughters and sons. and living an everlasting happy life for ever.
number three, my mum and dad should live in a same country with me. and they will be healthy so that they will (still) be taking care of me and my kids as well.
number four, my faith to jesus will stay for years by years, and wont ever change.
number one, ill be a successful animator/creative director alive. working in the famous international production house (or establish my own, probably) me and my partners will create hundreds of well-known cartoon animation movies/advs.
number two, ill be waking up everyday with a right man sleeping next to me who marry me with his unconditional love. we'll have great daughters and sons. and living an everlasting happy life for ever.
number three, my mum and dad should live in a same country with me. and they will be healthy so that they will (still) be taking care of me and my kids as well.
number four, my faith to jesus will stay for years by years, and wont ever change.
Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010
Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010
Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010
hello there :)
abis ganti blogskin nih. bikin sendiri iseng hehe dan tulisannya sungguh menjijikan ya, a great wisher who possess big dreams. PRET! anyways, life's been pretty hard for me so far. abis jatoh dr tangga sampe memar sebulan lalu, trus gw harus operasi gigi (lagi) yang sakitnya amat mematikan. bokap jg lagi sakit luka usus. tapi gw yakin sih semuanya bakal normal lagi, amin.
hmm gw uda beberapa hari ini kangen banget sama orang ini. namanya pak andi djoenaidi.
dan dia bukan mantan pacar, atau selingkuhan atau apa loh hahaha..dia mantan guru les pelajaran gue. orang terakhir yang yakinin kalo gue gak bodoh. yang selalu semangatin gue kalo roboh dalam pelajaran dan cinta. orang ini yang menyelamatkan gue dari sma dan uan dan yakin kalo gue bisa ngelewatinnya. orang ini yang bikin ada angka 9,25 di ijazah pada pelajaran yang paling mustahil gue bisa, kimia.
yang paling penting, orang inilah yang paling membentuk karakter gue sekarang. karna di masa2 down dalam pelajaran dan sekolah, kelabilan remaja dan putus cinta, dia ada disitu dengan sabar. selalu kasih quote, dorongan, dan cerita yang positif. dan kalo blog gue isinya suka memotivasi, gue belajar dari dia, belajar banyak.
ada satu quote yg gak pernah gue lupa dari dia : live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.
simple one tapi selalu ngena. tiap hari berat yang akan gue lalui, gw inget kalimat ini trus dan jadi semangat lagi. sampe sekarang, kalo kita mampu bertahan berdiri dengan dua kaki kita, percaya ada orang hebat di belakang sana yang mendidik dan menuntun kita untuk ke tahap kuat dan jadi diri kita sekarang. thank you Pak Andi :)
yang paling penting, orang inilah yang paling membentuk karakter gue sekarang. karna di masa2 down dalam pelajaran dan sekolah, kelabilan remaja dan putus cinta, dia ada disitu dengan sabar. selalu kasih quote, dorongan, dan cerita yang positif. dan kalo blog gue isinya suka memotivasi, gue belajar dari dia, belajar banyak.
ada satu quote yg gak pernah gue lupa dari dia : live life without fear, confront all obstacles and know that you can overcome them.
simple one tapi selalu ngena. tiap hari berat yang akan gue lalui, gw inget kalimat ini trus dan jadi semangat lagi. sampe sekarang, kalo kita mampu bertahan berdiri dengan dua kaki kita, percaya ada orang hebat di belakang sana yang mendidik dan menuntun kita untuk ke tahap kuat dan jadi diri kita sekarang. thank you Pak Andi :)
Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010
ini gak cuma buat pasangan aja loh. contoh yg paling konkret adalah dua orang yang ada dari kita lahir sampe sekarang, orang tua kita. kadang cara orang tua menyayangi kita selalu kita cela dan gak terima. dari cara mereka ngelarang kita pulang malem, cara mereka ngomentarin baju kita buat ngedate, cara mereka membatasi ini itu.
padahal, mereka ngelakuin semua itu sebatas menyayangi dan melindungi kita. mungkin caranya kita gak suka, tapi itu yg terbaik yang bisa mereka berikan. try to respect what your parents have done to you, because they are worth it and of course, they love you with all they have. happy sunday everyone :)
padahal, mereka ngelakuin semua itu sebatas menyayangi dan melindungi kita. mungkin caranya kita gak suka, tapi itu yg terbaik yang bisa mereka berikan. try to respect what your parents have done to you, because they are worth it and of course, they love you with all they have. happy sunday everyone :)
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